Nuts and Foods Supplier Nuts and Food Supplier Since 1870 Always Quality 150 Years Quality Nuts and Fruits 1870-2024+ Malatya Pazarı Global Nuts and Food Supplier Nutsmarts B2B Era for Nuts and Food B2B Era for Nuts and Foods Malatya Pazari using AI and Next gen technologies. Best Quality Nuts and Foods Powered by Malatya Pazari Powered By Malatya Pazari Nuts and Food Global B2B Market 0 FOUNDING YEAR 0 HAPPY COSTUMERS 0 COMPANY WORK WITH US 0 OFFICES 0 TEAM MEMBERS 0 PROJECTS COMPLETED Malatya Pazari history and facts 150 Years Quality Products. Malatya Pazari Design and Developing now B2B Global Nuts and Food Market. Nuts and Food Market Quality is a tradition for us. We have offered quality products to the whole world for 150 years.